Pint of Science is a non-profit organisation that brings some of the most brilliant scientists (hey, their words…) to your local pub to discuss their latest research and findings with you. You don’t need any prior knowledge, and this is your chance to meet the people responsible for the future of science (and have a pint with them). Events take place across the whole of the UK, and DImEnsION@Warwick will be contributing at the one in Coventry – at Drapers, on May 14th – be there!
More info: From Atoms to Galaxies and Everything in Between

A Song of Atoms and Ice
Did you know, it’s really hard to freeze pure water? Most of the ice on earth forms thanks to impurities in the water (e.g. a bit of mineral dust or some pollen). To find out how exactly these impurities facilitate the freezing of water into ice, we need some snazzy computer simulations. In this talk Gabriele will guide you through the colourful realm of molecular simulations he uses to map these patterns. His work is key to furthering atmospheric science (think climate change!) as well as potential biomedical applications. And it all starts with a laptop and a bit of maths…