
Just published

DOI: 10.1039/d2nr00387b

It was somewhere in Switzerland (some 10 years ago?), during a conference featuring excellent food, loads of snow, some newly found colleagues who I still call friends and – incidentally – some interesting science as well, when the concept of dynamical heterogeneity (DH) was first pitched to me (by a certain Emanuela del Gado, now at Georgetown University). This paper, to which I only marginally contributed to, represents the very latest chapter of my DH saga (very much still ongoing, fear not!). I am very grateful to Piero (Gasparotto, who led this), Martin (Fitzner), Steve (Cox) and the ICE group at Cambridge for doing all the hard work and for persevering along what was a fairly rocky road. But we did it, and I love this work. It poses interesting questions for the future, and I can only hope to be a part of the team that is going to be answering those in the near future. DH is fun. And it matters. And it also allows for very snazzy figures. Have a look at the paper onlineor grab a pdf here.