Paper accepted | Molecular Systems Design and Engineering

Leveraging genetic algorithms to maximise the predictive capabilities of…

We are back - with a bang!

Perhaps unsurprisingly, not much happened in terms of outreach during the…

Paper accepted | Chemical Communications

Minimalistic ice recrystallisation inhibitors based on phenylalanine……

Recipients of a Horizon Prize!

Congratulations this week to “Team Ice” – a multidisciplinary…

Fabienne and Matt win awards at PGR symposium!

Congratulations this week go to Fabienne and Matt, both PhD student in the…

Paper accepted | Chemical Science

The role of structural order in heterogeneous ice nucleation It…

7 Deadly Sins Paper Chosen for Inclusion in JCP 2021 Editor's Choice Collection

Last July, we published a paper about a number of the pitfalls present when…

Paper accepted | Nanoscale

How do interfaces alter the dynamics of supercooled water? It…

Paper accepted | The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Ice Recrystallization Inhibition by Amino Acids: The Curious Case of…

Paper accepted | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Lipid Bilayers as Potential Ice Nucleating Agents This paper is about…