Paper accepted | PNAS

Ice is Born in Low-mobility Regions of Supercooled Liquid Water Dynamics…

Science Gala 2019

An evening extravaganza... This event is just great - kids (and parents!)…

Xmas Lecture 2018

Take a closer look... Oh wow! In all fairness, I did not realise -…

Paper accepted | The Journal of Chemical Physics

High and Low Density Patches in Simulated Liquid Water…

Group's getting bigger!

Getting ready for a rather busy 2019... The more the merrier! Despite the…

Paper accepted | Faraday Discussions

Priming Effects in the Crystallization of the Phase Change Compound GeTe from…

CMS 2019 - It's here!!!

It's here!!! Gabriele and Reinhard have been organising the (6th!)…

Paper accepted | Chemical Science

Unravelling the Origins of Ice Nucleation on Organic Crystals Bringing together…

Faces of HPC

It feels good to be a part of something. It feels even better when said…

Paper accepted | The Journal of Chemical Physics

Heterogeneous seeded molecular dynamics as a tool to probe the ice nucleating…